Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 20, 21, 22 & 23 - A turn for the ?

On Friday I met with my Nutritionist -- she pissed me off cause she was 10 minutes late, but I let it slide.  So we went into her office and chatted .. First thing I noticed was her appearance -- earth crunchy, sandal wearing hippie --

She sat down and started asking me a bunch of questions about my eating habits.  A lot of which I already knew, I am emotional eater and I binge eat.  She said the Coffin diet was pretty much starving myself and that I needed more calories.  We came up with a menu for the week to try and see how it goes, she wants me to eat every 3 hours and to not let myself get hungry- This is one of the days:

  8:00 AM - Multi grain English Muffin with Cheese, 1 Egg & Healthy Choice Ham
10:30 AM - 1 oz of Cheddar Cheese & 7 Triscuts
12:00 PM - Grilled Chicken (Portion Size) Spinach Salad with Almonds, Goat Cheese, sprinkling of croutons and oil & vinegar for dressing
 3:00 PM  - 2 Chocolate Chip cookies (150 Calories) with a glass of skim milk
 6:00 PM - 93% Lean Beef Burger on a whole wheat roll with a side of vegetables
 9:00 PM - 2 Cups of home-popped Popcorn (I use a dash of peanut oil -- Delish!)

So that is what she suggested for me to eat in a day .. Seems like a ton of food, but it is all portioned controlled and isn't as many calories as you think.  So I am going to try this diet for the next 2 weeks and see how it goes, if I continue to lose weight then I will stick with it.

This weekend was rainy and I didn't really do much, I went grocery shopping and did some cleaning.  Very mellow weekend.  I did make it to the gym on Monday and I am going to aim for tomorrow morning, I think I am going to look this weekend for a little gym bag -- I have a lot of bags but I want one that has a zipper.  I like this Adidas bag $25.00 at JCP -- I have a $10 off coupon -- I might go scope it out!

I have been having the weirdest dreams lately - I had dreams it was raining snakes, I gave birth to baby chicks and I had amazing sex on an antique table inside a thrift store with some guy who I didn't even know.

I don't know if it is the food I am eating but my dreams have been whacked!  I hope to fulfill the last one though.. HAHAHA!

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